Το Ινστιτούτο Κοινωνικής και Προληπτικής Ιατρικής (ΙΚΠΙ) ιδρύθηκε το 1989 και αποτελεί μία επιστημονική, αστική, μη κερδοσκοπική εταιρεία. Από την ίδρυσή του μέχρι σήμερα, το ΙΚΠΙ έχει εκτελέσει άνω των 100 μελετών και προγραμμάτων, το μεγαλύτερο μέρος των οποίων αφορά προγράμματα προαγωγής και αγωγής υγείας, μελέτες πληθυσμού, μελέτες σχεδιασμού και βιωσιμότητας νοσοκομειακών και πρωτοβάθμιων υπηρεσιών υγείας, υπηρεσίες ιατρικής πληροφορικής και τηλεϊατρικής καθώς και συστήματα περίθαλψης για ομάδες ασφαλισμένων. Διευθυντής του ΙΚΠΙ είναι ο κ. Γιάννης Τούντας, Καθηγητής Κοινωνικής & Προληπτικής Ιατρικής. Ενδεικτικά αναφέρονται ως δραστηριότητες: η διεξαγωγή ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων, η διεξαγωγή εφαρμοσμένων προγραμμάτων, οι εκδοτικές δραστηριότητες (περιοδικό, ενημερωτικά φυλλάδια, βιβλία, κ.λ.π.), η ανάληψη και διεξαγωγή επιμορφωτικών προγραμμάτων, η διενέργεια επιστημονικών εκδηλώσεων (συνέδρια, συμπόσια, διαλέξεις κ.λ.π.).
The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) is a scientific, non-profit organization founded in 1989 in Athens, Greece. Yannis Tountas, Professor of Social and Preventive Medicine, is the Director of ISPM. Aims of the ISPM are the research, development and .promotion of social and preventive medicine on national and European-international level. The activities of the ISPM include planning, implementation and evaluation of research projects, implementation of educational and training programs for various target groups (employees, vulnerable social groups, health professionals, etc), production of informational documents and material (articles, books, guidance materials, newsletter, leaflets) and organization of scientific events (national and international conferences, meetings, etc). Since its foundation, the ISPM has been involved in numerous national and international projects, mainly in the area of public health, health promotion and education and health services research and is also member of several international networks.
- Provision of Technical Consultancy service for the Primary Health Care Services in the Municipality of Agia Paraskevi (cpv: 71317210-8), 2022-2023
- Assessment of the project “Mental health promotion programme in vulnerable populations” conducted by the A’ Psychiatric Clinic – Eginition Hospital and funded by the Prefecture of Attica, 2022
- PNOI ZOIS- Online Platform for Primary & Secondary Prevention and Health Promotion in EDOEAP Fund (Unified Subsidiary Social Security and Welfare Press Organization), 2021 – 2024
- Distance learning programme on Community Health Promotion and Health Education in the Action “Support for social cohesion action and developmental intervention – SOCIAL NETWORK ATTICA”. Regional Development Fund of Attica. Project identification: 5017272, 2021-2022
- Participation in the implementation of the project “Support and empowerment of vulnerable groups and their right to health and medicine access” under the Active citizens fund in Greece (Coordinator: GIVMED, Funding: Bodossaki Foundation, 2021-2022
- RAPID HIV TEST programme in the Municipal Health Clinics of the City of Athens (in collaboration with AIDS Healthcare Foundation – AHF), 2018-2020
- Participation in the programme “Employment enhancement and social services integration Athens Municipality (ESTI@)”, 2018-2019
- Community health care needs assessment and primary health and social services utilization in the 4th Municipal District of Athens for the development of comprehensive primary health services, 2014 (Solidarity Now Foundation)
- Participation in the “National Campaign for Cancer Prevention”, 2011-2012 (Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention)
- Enhancing health literacy on quality of care and patient safety for the Greek context study: implementation of good practices, expected barriers and potential solutions. WHO Athens Office on Quality of Care and Patient Safety (2024)
- Nationwide household survey Hellas Health Ι (2006), Hellas Health ΙΙ (2008), Hellas Health III (2010), Hellas Health IV (2011), Hellas Health V (2013), Hellas Health VI (2015), Hellas Health VII (2017), Hellas Health VIII (2021)
- Health Profiles of Municipalities: Philothei-Psychiko (2016), Samos (2017), Pilea-Hortiatis (2019), Heraklion Attica (2020), Amaroussion (2020), Amorgos (2020), Aigaleo (2023), Palaio Faliro (2024)
- Social Inequalities in Health: Conceptual approaches, research findings, and policy proposals (2024)
- Tountas, Y., Kefis, V., Polyzos, Ν., & Souliotis, Κ. (2023). Governance proposal for the NHS. diaNEOsis.
- Tountas, Y., & Kyriopoulos, Y. (coordinators). (2022). Challenges for the development of Public Health in Greece. Epikentro Publishers.
- Tountas, Y., Doxiadis, A, & Katsapi, A. (2021). The development of senior tourism and the role of tourism in the post-Covid-19 era. diaNEOsis.
- Tountas, Y., Kyriopoulos, Y., Lionis, C., Nektarios, M., Souliotis, K., Yfantopoulos, G., & Filalithis, T. (2020). The New NHS: The restructuring of the National Health System. diaNEOsis.
- Tountas, Y. (coordinator) (2019). The development of Seniors Tourism in Greece and the contribution of Health Tourism. diaNEOsis.
- Tountas, Y., Vardavas, C., Giannopoulou A. K., Goti, G., Kantzanou, M., Kastanioti, K., Mavridoglou, G., Merakou, K., & Barbouni, A. (2016). The health of Greeks during the financial crisis: A mapping of the state of health of Greeks & the health services in the country. diaNEOsis.
- Report on the health of the Greek population (2014 – 2015) (Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention)
- Study for the Development of Medical Tourism (2013) (commissioned by the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels)
- Study of the Efficiency of the Greek Public Hospitals and for the reallocation of their resources. Duration: 2011 – 2013, NSRF Programme, Project Identification: 332750
- Attitudes of physicians working in NHS hospitals concerning aspects of the patients’ access to treatment in the NHS hospitals (2011 – 2012)
- Knowledge and attitudes of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer on a sample of 300 patients in five cities in Greece (2010)
- Quality of Life in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (2009-2010) (in collaboration with the National Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services and the Center for Health Services Research, Medical School, Univ. of Athens)
- Campaign “PH Work: Promoting Healthy Work for People with Chronic Illness”, 2011-2013 (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion – ENWHP)
- Campaign “Work. In Tune with Life”, 2009-2010 (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion – ENWHP)
- Project “NEXES: Supporting Healthier and Independent living for Chronic patients and elderly”, 2007 – 2011 (CIP Grant 225025)
- Campaign “Move Europe”, 2006-2009 (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion – ENWHP)
- Campaign “Workhealth II”, 2005-2007 (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion – ENWHP)
- Project “Closing the Gap: Strategies to tackle Health Inequalities in Europe“, 2004-2007 (Grant Agreement Reference No. 2003318)
- Project “Getting evidence into practice“, 2004-2005 [Grant agreement no 2003123 (790841)]
- Project “Workhealth I”, 2002-2005 (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion – ENWHP)
- Project “Assessment and promotion of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children and adolescents ages 8 to 18 – Kidscreen“, 2002-2004 (EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751)
- Programme of Preventive Interventions – Health Promotion in the current health networks in the Region of Attica. Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013. Duration: 2012 – 2015, Project Identification: 376093 (more information on 23)
- Professional Training of Primary Health Care Workers in Health Promotion and Education. Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”2007-2013. Duration: 2011 – 2012, Project Identification: 352709 (more information on 32)
- Professional Training of Primary Health Care Workers in Health Promotion and Education. Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”2007-2013. Duration: 2011 – 2012, Project Identification: 352710 (more information on 32)
- Professional Training of Primary Health Care Workers in Health Promotion and Education. Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”2007-2013. Duration: 2011 – 2012, Project Identification: 352713 (more information on 32)
- Study of the Efficiency of the Greek Public Hospitals and for the reallocation of their resources. Duration: 2011 – 2013, Project Identification: 332750
- Training seminars on Health Promotion and Health Education for the Health Clinics’ personnel of the Municipality of Athens (project identification: 5029634), 2022-2023
- Training programme on Health Promotion and Health Education for health professionals in General Hospital “Thriassio” and General Hospital “Spiliopoulio”, 2013
- Positive parenting educational programme (in collaboration with the Network for Children’s’ Rights), 2012
- Training Seminars for Health Professionals on Communication Skills, National Network of Health Promoting Hospital and Health Services, 2011 – 2015
- Organization and implementation of a 3-day «Masterclass Visit» for health professionals and OSH experts from the Netherlands concerning Workplace Health Promotion in Greece (in cooperation with the BaartRaaijmakers organization – Netherlands), 2010
- Training Seminars on Counseling on Smoking Cessation for Health Professionals – National Network of Health Promoting Hospital and Health Services, 2007 – 2015
- Training Seminars on Counseling on Smoking Cessation for Health Professionals working at Municipalities’ members of National Network of Healthy Cities Intermunicipality – Health Promotion, 2007 – 2015
- Seminars on Stress Management in Workplaces, National Network for Workplace Health Promotion, 2008 – 2011
- 1st Health Travel International Conference, May 4-5, 2023, under the auspices of the Greek Ministries of Health and Tourism and in partnership with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels
- 7th National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Athens, November 25-26, 2017
- 6th National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Athens, November 14-15, 2011 (Hellenic Association of Health Promotion and Health Education)
- 5th National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education & 1st National Conference on Community Health Promotion, Athens, December 15-16 2008 (Hellenic Association of Health Promotion and Health Education)
- 4th National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Athens, December 8-10 2005 (Hellenic Association of Health Promotion and Health Education)
- 3rd National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Athens, December 5-6 2002 (Hellenic Association of Health Promotion and Health Education)
- 2nd National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Athens, December 11-13 1998 (Hellenic Association of Health Promotion and Health Education)
- 1st National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Athens, January 19-20 1995 (Hellenic Association of Health Promotion and Health Education)
- ISPM has also actively participated in the organization of several national, European and international conferences. Selected examples are presented below:
- 4th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Forum of Public Health and Social Medicine, Athens, November 22 -24, 2013
- European Conference “Workplace Health Practices for Employees with Chronic Illness”, Brussels, October 22-23 2013 (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion – ENWHP)
- 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Forum of Public Health and Social Medicine, Athens, November 30 – December 2, 2012
- 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Forum of Public Health and Social Medicine, Larissa, Greece, November 25-27, 2011
- Symposium entitled “Mental Health Promotion at the Workplace” as part of the 13th PanHellenic Conference of Psychological Research, Athens, May 25-29 2011 (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens & Hellenic Psychological Society)
- 1st Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Forum of Public Health and Social Medicine, Athens, November 25-27, 2010
- 11th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Management of Health Services and Social Care, Mediforce, Chania, Greece, October 2009
- 17th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services “Hospitals and health services without walls – new services, new partnerships, new challenges for health promotion”, Crete, Greece, May 6-8, 2009 (international Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services)
- 10th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Management of Health Services and Social Care, Mediforce, Chalkidiki, Greece, October 2008
- 9th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Management of Health Services and Social Care, Corfu, Greece, October 2007
- 8th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals “The Health Promoting Hospital in the 21st Century – Challenges and Opportunities, Strategies and Scenarios for Patients, Staff, Communities and the Hospital as an Organisation”, Athens, Greece, June 14-16, 2000 (international Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services)
Ινστιτούτο Κοινωνικής & Προληπτικής Ιατρικής (ΙΚΠΙ)
Διεύθυνση: Νέστου 3, 11527 Αθήνα
email: info@ispm.gr